Blessed is this bush
at the top of the mountain..
To me it feels as if it is
at the top of the whole world!
It has the unshakeable mountain
to hold it atop...
The cool breeze at its service
to sway those tender leaves..
The impeccable pure water
edging its way to the bush
Craving with all its might
to raise through those roots!
The bush has the clear blue sky
to gaze throughout the day..
The stars at night
to stand escort..
Every night it sleeps in peace
a sweet unperturbed sleep
A kind spider has
weaved a web around..
The dew drops have formed
a fabric on it..
Filtering the Sunrays
which wake the bush..
Now tell me...
isnt the bush luckY????
I wish i could
exchange places with it!

"Backgrnd to the poetry...i don't know wht to say..
I sincerely appreciate the person who took the photo..
Incidentally, my grannys place is sumwher v close to
Kodachadri. so I was eager to c wht wud b ther in ur
site on Kodachadri...thot ther'l b sum more sceneries
thts it...but was really awed to c this photo..hats
off to the person who was so observant and captured
the dew drops in the photo! the rest of the thngs in
the poem wer jus a kavi kalpaney..was jus visualizing
the location and thngs fell in place!".
-- Spoorthy Murali.
" I can only say that.. Every thing on the mother
earth is enigma!... When I saw that dew drops on the web,
It was so refreshing, it is so charming! I thought this
was one more way for nature to say good morning".
Prasad Ghatigar.
(man behind camera). |